His House: The Scariest Movie on Netflix That Will Haunt You

As Halloween approaches, horror movie enthusiasts are in search of the most bone-chilling films on Netflix. Amongst the great selection of horror flicks, one movie stands out as the epitome of terror: "His House" by...

As Halloween approaches, horror movie enthusiasts are in search of the most bone-chilling films on Netflix. Amongst the great selection of horror flicks, one movie stands out as the epitome of terror: "His House" by first-time director Remi Weekes. This hidden gem delivers a haunting experience that will leave you spellbound.

A New Twist on the Haunted House Story

Sope Dirisu in His House.

BBC Films

In "His House," the traditional haunted house narrative takes a thrilling turn. Instead of grand mansions, the story revolves around Bol and Rial, a Sudanese couple seeking asylum in the UK. Placed in a dilapidated tenement, their limited living space intensifies the horror that unfolds when something evil lurks within their home. Bol's desperate attempts to confront the malevolent spirit residing in the walls reveal the couple's confinement and the urgent need to escape its clutches.

Outstanding Performances by Wunmi Mosaku and Sope Dirisu

Wunmi Mosaku in His House.

BBC Films

While terror is at the core of "His House," the performances of Wunmi Mosaku and Sope Dirisu add depth to the story. Their portrayal of Bol and Rial's struggles as refugees, dealing with a disapproving caseworker and the haunting, is nothing short of mesmerizing. The couple's differing approaches to their new life and their unwavering connection to their cultural heritage create tension that heightens the horror surrounding them. The dramatic moments in the film elevate the overall experience and showcase the actors' exceptional talent.

Unveiling the Horrors of War

The cast of His House.

BBC Films

"His House" delves into the horrors of war through an extended sequence set in Sudan, where Bol and Rial faced unspeakable violence and tragedy. The couple's past unfolds, revealing the heinous acts they committed to survive and the wrath they incurred from the supernatural entity haunting them. The war sequences are a striking contrast to the present-day horror, leaving viewers with a profound understanding of the characters' desperation. This bold exploration of rarely touched aspects of horror sets "His House" apart and ensures its place as a future cult favorite.

Don't miss the opportunity to experience the bone-chilling terror that "His House" delivers. Stream it on Netflix now and prepare to be captivated.

Watch "His House" on Netflix.

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